Employment Connection


About The Opus Network

Save time on job applications
Connect with employers directly
Get a free resume consultation

Free access to prescreened candidates & other recruitment services
No contract
No commitment
100% FREE

How does it work?

The Opus Network is funded by grants designed to advance various employment initiatives in Virginia. Our main objectives are to

(1) Support the growth of the local economy

(2) Reduce the costs of hiring and assist growing businesses in finding the qualified talent they need to be successful, and

(3) Help local workforce agencies cut costs and increase the reach of their programs. In order to meet these goals we must collaborate with businesses in every industry, as the job seekers that we work with come to us with a wide variety of skills, qualifications, and levels of experience. ​

Travis Roelfs
Managing director

We are a digital agency that builds amazing products


Honesty and hard work are our beliefs

Turn your applications into interviews​

At The Opus Network, we can help you start turning more of those applications into interviews by offering insight into where to look, common missteps to avoid, and how to make your skills and qualifications stand out to hiring managers..

Here To Help

Get a free resume consultation

Is your resume an accurate representation of your skills?
​Are you leaving out important information?

Don't sell yourself short. The majority of individuals we work with are leaving out important details about themselves that could make all the difference.

Contact Us

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Contact us today or schedule a brief consultation to learn more!